Fii la curent cu noutățile.
From Paris to home, with gratitude in every pixel. Proud to have brought Toyota's vision to life, celebrating Romania’s...
From planning to plating, here’s how we brought smiles, mici, and @olympiaromania's Muștar din Tecuci to Obor for a Nati...
A legend steps off the court, and innovation drives onto it with the daring help of our creative team. @lexus_jp x @davi...
🎉 Exciting news! The Motric Recovery app is now live! Our partners have brought together fitness, wellness, and med...
Biz împlinește 25 de ani, iar aceștia sunt oamenii alături de care scriem istoria ultimilor 25 de ani de business din Ro...
Our Advertising, Explained series is now on and you can see all the videos on our TikTok account. 👀
Say hello to your new hydration obsession - Alcalia Romania! 🌊 Our latest client is about to change the game with their...
Thrilled to unveil our newest campaign for NEPI Rockcastle’s SPOT App. Win back the most important asset - time - and un...
Kickstarting this week with a deep dive into the future of Marcom! 🚀 Join us as we explore the insights shared by our d...
Need a lift in spirits and weights? Our latest SanoPass FIT by MedLife campaign is your go-to! 💪 Discover how we're...
✨️ Our freshest, cleanest creative concept for Klintensiv, the epitome of immaculate cleaning, salutes those who unders...
Inspired by amazing cuisine, slices of life and the upcoming holidays, we proudly present a new series of carefully craf...
Health is one of Romanians’ top priorities, however maintaining it can be a challenge. Klintensiv brought a new perspec...
You win at Social Media when you implement a dynamic, incremental strategy that mixes photo-video shootings, real-time t...
Insurances are anything but dull, especially when mixed with tickets for one of the biggest festivals in the country....
Here’s a secret from our dear client, DrWitt Plus: the key to being productive and overcoming daily challenges stays wit...
New TVC for a global product launch? Challenge accepted. ✅ A strong creative idea, a global client, 3 days of shooti...
‘In 2023, we upgraded our agency’s proposition to ‘optimizing your brand’s digital fingerprint’. 👉🏻 This signifies our...
If you need a daily motivation boost, you can surely find it on the Motric Recovery Facebook & Instagram accounts. Chec...
Hello new Bicicletele Pegas collection, please take my 💰! Go get an up-close look at the newest Pegas bicycles, now o...
Între TikTok-uri, activări de social media și planuri editoriale, colega noastră Alexandra Teodora C a povestit pentru I...
Excited for the news? We are. 🤩 We launched TriviaTu - a Eurolife FFH Asigurări România project aiming to bring insuran...
Our amazing General Manager Oana Grasu is live on Forbes Romania, talking about important changes in the client-agency r...
Dragoș Raicu, our Creative Director, is on IQads, talking about the new industry mindset in a post-pandemic world. Read...
New client alert: SanoPass FIT, primul abonament de fitness din România cu servicii medicale incluse.
Ciprian Susanu: România suntem noi. Este media obiceiurilor noastre zilnice.
YAROOMS, the global workplace experience software can now help organizations become carbon neutral.
Doar până pe 18 noiembrie mai sunt porțile deschise la Sanamed, motiv pentru care toți cei care le trec pragul beneficia...
Dare Digital și MOCAPP revin cu LoveFluencer 2.0 – prima aplicație care face lipeala între branduri și influenceri în mo...
Cesarom a deschis un nou showroom în București. Un motiv în plus să le faci o vizită. 👀
Tu ce Spirit Animal ai când te dai pe bicicletă? Fă quiz-ul și câștigă premii Pegas 👉
Acel moment când să știi toate reducerile din mall-ul tău preferat face parte din your daily tasks. Bun venit noului nos...
Unii îi spun al doilea desert. Noi avem plăcerea să-l putem numi research.
Driving into the future, one daring idea at a time. Say hello to our newest client, @lexus_romania - where luxury is mor...
With over 73,000 attendees, SPOT Festival turned malls into music arenas and solidified its place as next year’s must-at...
✍️ Write this down: We've added Dacris to our portfolio! Bringing necessary office supplies and stationery to businesses...
At Dare Digital, we’re all about getting more bang for your buck. Our 'More for Your Money' campaign for SanoPass FIT b...
Three tomatoes are walkin' down the street: Papa Tomato, Mama Tomato, and Baby Tomato. Baby Tomato starts lagging behind...
What are we planning for the summer? Turning malls into festival venues together with NEPI Rockcastle. Check out Spot Fe...
CESAROM's bold move: the only producer to offer a 10-year guarantee on ceramic tiles! Dive into our latest “Schimbă plac...
Eager to tackle the challenges ahead together with our new partner NEPI Rockcastle, as we unite to pioneer progressive s...
Client photoshoots are our playground, and we've got the tricks up our sleeves! 📸✨ From candid to courageous, here's h...
Our animal-loving peeps know the drill. Our client's community is all about giving their furry friends the best care p...
Today, Cesarom’s ProClub became ProClubAmbassadors, a renewed version with upgraded website functionalities. We are one...
Jury Duty Calls! Ciprian Susanu is on a mission to recognise industry excellence this year at IAB MIXX Awards. Ready to...
Our amazing Head of Social Media & Communication, Alexandra Andrei, will be talking about an inclusive working environme...
23rd of August is a special day for our client, Pegas. 🚲👀 Today we celebrate one year since rebranding with special...
Over the last 9 years, we have mastered every service and product mix related to digital marketing, having built an ecos...
Lovebrands earn their name for a reason: seizing the right moments to meet their customers in their journeys and have an...
Our newest client, CloudHero is all about innovation, so we were glad to support them with our development & UI/UX knowl...
Consistency is essential in digital communication, just like it is in home deco projects. Sanex S.A. (Cesarom) has been...
Great results in the first 8 months for WishMo, the go to app for end-to-end management of brand promotions. Check it...
Life insurances are meant to be useful, but this doesn’t mean they have to be boring. Especially in communication. We...
What a better way to celebrate spring than with a new campaign for Bicicletele Pegas? Check it out on their website!
Where do you get your inspiration from? How do you adapt to this new digital world? Don’t miss this IQads interview wit...
Happy to continue and upgrade our partnership with Cargus, one of the top players of the courier market in Romania.
Pegas sărbătorește iubirea, în toate formele ei. Mai ales iubirea pentru biciclete.
Cu toții știm colegul ăla cu acest talent demn de Halloween night. Da, cel care are mult prea multe tab-uri deschise deo...
Glovo a primit premiul pentru "Cea mai bună companie de delivery" în cadrul evenimentului Horeca Awards by Horeca Insigh...
Mergi pe feeling cu Pegas. O campanie Dare Digital
Împreună cu @glovo_ro & prelungim vara și weekndul acesta!
A venit acea perioadă din an în care devenim campioni la alergat după cadouri de Crăciun. Ce bine că DrWitt Plus e aici...
New client alert! Pune-ți o dorință și transform-o în realitate cu WishMo: aplicația care îți dă acces la cele mai tari...
👀 New website alert ⏩ full end to end creative & development, pentru Cesarom. Plăci ceramice fabricate în vest. La Clu...
Responsabilul cu dulcele la noi în birou? Nimeni alta decât colega noastră Mihaela Anton cu deserturi inedite by KIN by...
Când i-am cunoscut pe oamenii de la Sanamed, am înțeles imediat cât de mult bine pot face pentru alții.
Master of Bows, Santa's Stylist, or Christmas Nostalgic? 🎁 Discover your vibe through SPOT's quiz rizz - this month, we...
Buckle up! We’re officially hitting the road with Toyota as our newest client. 🚗✨ Stay tuned for a ride full of innova...
From breaking a sweat to breaking barriers, Alcalia fuels your exercise. This autumn, we celebrate every step you take...
We went CGI wild to celebrate the epic expansion of NEPI Rockcastle’s @shoppingcityploiesti. Bigger Youniverse, more bra...
Unlock the new app feature and win back your most valuable asset – time. Download SPOT App through App Store or Play...
Unlock media secrets with our data guru! 🧠 Don't miss the interview with Andrei Balbarau, our Head of Media.
We do love delivering sugar, spice, and everything nice, but in truth, if we were to send out a special delivery to each...
The perfect mix between „loves creative tasks” & „gets inspired by data” exists and we proudly present her to you! La...
Join us in welcoming our latest partner, Elpreco, a CRH company, in paving the digital road to success! ✨ Together, we...
This fall, we broadened our marketing horizons with a cross-channel amplification strategy for a nationwide consumer pro...
Temptations are everywhere, especially on #BlackFriday. This year go for the real deal with @bicicletelepegas!
A common insight when it comes to medical services is that the ones abroad are of higher quality. Our client, Freseni...
Studiu SanoPass FIT by MedLife: 65% dintre utilizatorii de Instagram vor să fie mai Hot, în timp ce 60% dintre utilizato...
‘What i always wanted from my job was to never get bored. Digital marketing did not disappoint.’, said our colleague, Vi...
The latest Cesarom campaign challenges you to join the contest for a chance to win one of the 50 prizes: ceramic tiles f...
TikTok can be part of the digital communication strategy of a brand, especially because it helps attain large reach KPIs...
When you have a trustworthy partner, it’s easy to accomplish any goal. 💪🏻 Just like it is to stay motivated when you h...
Defining creativity is still on Alina Șincu’s to do list. 💭 While she figures it out, take a look at the interview for...
Switching styles with your parents for a day - would you try it? 😱 Look out for the wholesome influencer content we cre...
Dare Digital livrează servicii digitale integrate pentru Ceva Santé Animale, companie globală de top în industria produs...
Exciting things happening today. Sneak peek de la workshop-ul organizat de Glovo pentru reprezentanții industriei HoReCa...
Optimizing our clients’ digital fingerprint is always based on an integrated approach, from strategy to creative concept...
Dacă ți-e poftă să mănânci #UndevaBun, participă la concursul organizat de @glovo_ro și poți pleca în city break!
Alexandra Andrei, our Head of Research, Communication & Social Media, is on IQads, talking about what happens when digit...
WishMo, aplicația care eficientizează management-ul end-to-end al campaniilor de tip consumer promo pentru branduri
De ziua ta, @sissi.romania te premiază!
Despre sănătate, ca un mix bun între performanță medicală și empatie. O campanie Sanamed by Dare Digital
Helping the world compensate its CO2 emissions and become carbon neutral is a mission we can all get behind. We’re proud...
Pentru un brand mereu în mișcare, era momentul ca Bicicletele Pegas să-și dea un refresh la comunicare. Unul dintre cele...
How to find purpose on your job? Easier than ever with our new client Jobful! Entuziasmați să lucrăm cu un start-up ce r...
Ce e mai cool decât o bicicletă iconică din anii 70? Una cu același model iconic, dar născută azi. ✨🚲✨ Vești bune pe...
Știi prietenul acela pe care-l suni cu întrebări atunci când ai și tu nevoie de o asigurare? Pentru noi, acel prieten es...
From Paris to home, with gratitude in every pixel. Proud to have brought Toyota's vision to life, celebrating Romania’s...
Driving into the future, one daring idea at a time. Say hello to our newest client, @lexus_romania - where luxury is mor...
Master of Bows, Santa's Stylist, or Christmas Nostalgic? 🎁 Discover your vibe through SPOT's quiz rizz - this month, we...
From planning to plating, here’s how we brought smiles, mici, and @olympiaromania's Muștar din Tecuci to Obor for a Nati...
With over 73,000 attendees, SPOT Festival turned malls into music arenas and solidified its place as next year’s must-at...
Buckle up! We’re officially hitting the road with Toyota as our newest client. 🚗✨ Stay tuned for a ride full of innova...
A legend steps off the court, and innovation drives onto it with the daring help of our creative team. @lexus_jp x @davi...
✍️ Write this down: We've added Dacris to our portfolio! Bringing necessary office supplies and stationery to businesses...
From breaking a sweat to breaking barriers, Alcalia fuels your exercise. This autumn, we celebrate every step you take...
🎉 Exciting news! The Motric Recovery app is now live! Our partners have brought together fitness, wellness, and med...
At Dare Digital, we’re all about getting more bang for your buck. Our 'More for Your Money' campaign for SanoPass FIT b...
We went CGI wild to celebrate the epic expansion of NEPI Rockcastle’s @shoppingcityploiesti. Bigger Youniverse, more bra...
Biz împlinește 25 de ani, iar aceștia sunt oamenii alături de care scriem istoria ultimilor 25 de ani de business din Ro...
Three tomatoes are walkin' down the street: Papa Tomato, Mama Tomato, and Baby Tomato. Baby Tomato starts lagging behind...
Unlock the new app feature and win back your most valuable asset – time. Download SPOT App through App Store or Play...
Our Advertising, Explained series is now on and you can see all the videos on our TikTok account. 👀
What are we planning for the summer? Turning malls into festival venues together with NEPI Rockcastle. Check out Spot Fe...
Unlock media secrets with our data guru! 🧠 Don't miss the interview with Andrei Balbarau, our Head of Media.
Say hello to your new hydration obsession - Alcalia Romania! 🌊 Our latest client is about to change the game with their...
CESAROM's bold move: the only producer to offer a 10-year guarantee on ceramic tiles! Dive into our latest “Schimbă plac...
We do love delivering sugar, spice, and everything nice, but in truth, if we were to send out a special delivery to each...
Thrilled to unveil our newest campaign for NEPI Rockcastle’s SPOT App. Win back the most important asset - time - and un...
Eager to tackle the challenges ahead together with our new partner NEPI Rockcastle, as we unite to pioneer progressive s...
The perfect mix between „loves creative tasks” & „gets inspired by data” exists and we proudly present her to you! La...
Kickstarting this week with a deep dive into the future of Marcom! 🚀 Join us as we explore the insights shared by our d...
Client photoshoots are our playground, and we've got the tricks up our sleeves! 📸✨ From candid to courageous, here's h...
Join us in welcoming our latest partner, Elpreco, a CRH company, in paving the digital road to success! ✨ Together, we...
Need a lift in spirits and weights? Our latest SanoPass FIT by MedLife campaign is your go-to! 💪 Discover how we're...
Our animal-loving peeps know the drill. Our client's community is all about giving their furry friends the best care p...
This fall, we broadened our marketing horizons with a cross-channel amplification strategy for a nationwide consumer pro...
✨️ Our freshest, cleanest creative concept for Klintensiv, the epitome of immaculate cleaning, salutes those who unders...
Today, Cesarom’s ProClub became ProClubAmbassadors, a renewed version with upgraded website functionalities. We are one...
Temptations are everywhere, especially on #BlackFriday. This year go for the real deal with @bicicletelepegas!
Inspired by amazing cuisine, slices of life and the upcoming holidays, we proudly present a new series of carefully craf...
Jury Duty Calls! Ciprian Susanu is on a mission to recognise industry excellence this year at IAB MIXX Awards. Ready to...
A common insight when it comes to medical services is that the ones abroad are of higher quality. Our client, Freseni...
Health is one of Romanians’ top priorities, however maintaining it can be a challenge. Klintensiv brought a new perspec...
Our amazing Head of Social Media & Communication, Alexandra Andrei, will be talking about an inclusive working environme...
Studiu SanoPass FIT by MedLife: 65% dintre utilizatorii de Instagram vor să fie mai Hot, în timp ce 60% dintre utilizato...
You win at Social Media when you implement a dynamic, incremental strategy that mixes photo-video shootings, real-time t...
23rd of August is a special day for our client, Pegas. 🚲👀 Today we celebrate one year since rebranding with special...
‘What i always wanted from my job was to never get bored. Digital marketing did not disappoint.’, said our colleague, Vi...
Insurances are anything but dull, especially when mixed with tickets for one of the biggest festivals in the country....
Over the last 9 years, we have mastered every service and product mix related to digital marketing, having built an ecos...
The latest Cesarom campaign challenges you to join the contest for a chance to win one of the 50 prizes: ceramic tiles f...
Here’s a secret from our dear client, DrWitt Plus: the key to being productive and overcoming daily challenges stays wit...
Lovebrands earn their name for a reason: seizing the right moments to meet their customers in their journeys and have an...
TikTok can be part of the digital communication strategy of a brand, especially because it helps attain large reach KPIs...
New TVC for a global product launch? Challenge accepted. ✅ A strong creative idea, a global client, 3 days of shooti...
Our newest client, CloudHero is all about innovation, so we were glad to support them with our development & UI/UX knowl...
When you have a trustworthy partner, it’s easy to accomplish any goal. 💪🏻 Just like it is to stay motivated when you h...
‘In 2023, we upgraded our agency’s proposition to ‘optimizing your brand’s digital fingerprint’. 👉🏻 This signifies our...
Consistency is essential in digital communication, just like it is in home deco projects. Sanex S.A. (Cesarom) has been...
Defining creativity is still on Alina Șincu’s to do list. 💭 While she figures it out, take a look at the interview for...
If you need a daily motivation boost, you can surely find it on the Motric Recovery Facebook & Instagram accounts. Chec...
Great results in the first 8 months for WishMo, the go to app for end-to-end management of brand promotions. Check it...
Switching styles with your parents for a day - would you try it? 😱 Look out for the wholesome influencer content we cre...
Hello new Bicicletele Pegas collection, please take my 💰! Go get an up-close look at the newest Pegas bicycles, now o...
Life insurances are meant to be useful, but this doesn’t mean they have to be boring. Especially in communication. We...
Dare Digital livrează servicii digitale integrate pentru Ceva Santé Animale, companie globală de top în industria produs...
Între TikTok-uri, activări de social media și planuri editoriale, colega noastră Alexandra Teodora C a povestit pentru I...
What a better way to celebrate spring than with a new campaign for Bicicletele Pegas? Check it out on their website!
Exciting things happening today. Sneak peek de la workshop-ul organizat de Glovo pentru reprezentanții industriei HoReCa...
Excited for the news? We are. 🤩 We launched TriviaTu - a Eurolife FFH Asigurări România project aiming to bring insuran...
Where do you get your inspiration from? How do you adapt to this new digital world? Don’t miss this IQads interview wit...
Optimizing our clients’ digital fingerprint is always based on an integrated approach, from strategy to creative concept...
Our amazing General Manager Oana Grasu is live on Forbes Romania, talking about important changes in the client-agency r...
Happy to continue and upgrade our partnership with Cargus, one of the top players of the courier market in Romania.
Dacă ți-e poftă să mănânci #UndevaBun, participă la concursul organizat de @glovo_ro și poți pleca în city break!
Dragoș Raicu, our Creative Director, is on IQads, talking about the new industry mindset in a post-pandemic world. Read...
Pegas sărbătorește iubirea, în toate formele ei. Mai ales iubirea pentru biciclete.
Alexandra Andrei, our Head of Research, Communication & Social Media, is on IQads, talking about what happens when digit...
New client alert: SanoPass FIT, primul abonament de fitness din România cu servicii medicale incluse.
Cu toții știm colegul ăla cu acest talent demn de Halloween night. Da, cel care are mult prea multe tab-uri deschise deo...
WishMo, aplicația care eficientizează management-ul end-to-end al campaniilor de tip consumer promo pentru branduri
Ciprian Susanu: România suntem noi. Este media obiceiurilor noastre zilnice.
Glovo a primit premiul pentru "Cea mai bună companie de delivery" în cadrul evenimentului Horeca Awards by Horeca Insigh...
De ziua ta, @sissi.romania te premiază!
YAROOMS, the global workplace experience software can now help organizations become carbon neutral.
Mergi pe feeling cu Pegas. O campanie Dare Digital
Despre sănătate, ca un mix bun între performanță medicală și empatie. O campanie Sanamed by Dare Digital
Doar până pe 18 noiembrie mai sunt porțile deschise la Sanamed, motiv pentru care toți cei care le trec pragul beneficia...
Împreună cu @glovo_ro & prelungim vara și weekndul acesta!
Helping the world compensate its CO2 emissions and become carbon neutral is a mission we can all get behind. We’re proud...
Dare Digital și MOCAPP revin cu LoveFluencer 2.0 – prima aplicație care face lipeala între branduri și influenceri în mo...
A venit acea perioadă din an în care devenim campioni la alergat după cadouri de Crăciun. Ce bine că DrWitt Plus e aici...
Pentru un brand mereu în mișcare, era momentul ca Bicicletele Pegas să-și dea un refresh la comunicare. Unul dintre cele...
Cesarom a deschis un nou showroom în București. Un motiv în plus să le faci o vizită. 👀
New client alert! Pune-ți o dorință și transform-o în realitate cu WishMo: aplicația care îți dă acces la cele mai tari...
How to find purpose on your job? Easier than ever with our new client Jobful! Entuziasmați să lucrăm cu un start-up ce r...
Tu ce Spirit Animal ai când te dai pe bicicletă? Fă quiz-ul și câștigă premii Pegas 👉
👀 New website alert ⏩ full end to end creative & development, pentru Cesarom. Plăci ceramice fabricate în vest. La Clu...
Ce e mai cool decât o bicicletă iconică din anii 70? Una cu același model iconic, dar născută azi. ✨🚲✨ Vești bune pe...
Acel moment când să știi toate reducerile din mall-ul tău preferat face parte din your daily tasks. Bun venit noului nos...
Responsabilul cu dulcele la noi în birou? Nimeni alta decât colega noastră Mihaela Anton cu deserturi inedite by KIN by...
Știi prietenul acela pe care-l suni cu întrebări atunci când ai și tu nevoie de o asigurare? Pentru noi, acel prieten es...
Unii îi spun al doilea desert. Noi avem plăcerea să-l putem numi research.
Când i-am cunoscut pe oamenii de la Sanamed, am înțeles imediat cât de mult bine pot face pentru alții.